Thank you for considering my
Bankruptcy Appraisal Service
Bankruptcy is about getting a fresh start and regaining control of your financial future, and one of the steps along the way may be to establish the value of your home for the bankruptcy courts. But it can be incredibly difficult to find the RIGHT bankruptcy appraiser – will the appraiser REALLY take the time necessary to analyze the market trends and accurately apply them to the most current and similar properties? Will they consider all of the comparable property features, quality, view, and condition? And will they provide enough information and detail so that the bankruptcy court will understand their analysis and accept the appraisal report?
My pledge with every bankruptcy appraisal report is to emphatically answer yes to all these questions AND to be helpful, friendly, and available during this difficult time for my clients – before AND after the appraisal is delivered.
Please call me at (619) 630-9273 to learn about my bankrupcty appraisal service and allow me the opportunity to earn your business. If you prefer, you can also complete my online Contact Request Form or email me at
Thank you again for your consideration of my San Diego bankruptcy appraisal service.
I look forward to hearing from you.